I like to start with a free one-hour initial counseling consultation in order for us to get to know each other. During the consultation you can share with me what brings you to counseling, while I explain the theoretical framework of my approach and answer any questions you have about my background. We can also complete a minimal amount of paperwork and discuss fees. I offer flexible fee arrangements. Our first meeting is about creating safety so the important work to begin.
Communication in the office or over the telephone or Skype is completely confidential. That's it. Plain and simple.
Every person is unique. Your story, challenges, and creativity are yours alone, yet they assure your place in the human family. For counseling to be effective, our work together must be flexible — each session an original created just for you. I approach each client as the real expert about him or herself. I avoid diagnosis in favor of putting my attention on your strengths and experiences.
Your Inherent Goodness
My approach assumes that we are born with a vast intelligence and creativity. Moreover, we are inherently open to the vast possibilities life has to offer. We love to cooperate and find solutions. We are born loving, confident and zestful.
The Elegant Solution
Fresh thinking and behavior emerge when one person listens to another with attention, care, and respect without judgment. According to a great teacher, "Every person has done the best that she or he can, given the specific circumstances, and deserves neither blame nor reproach from anyone, including self." Effective counseling reconnects us with our inherent power, confidence, and ability to be close.